Beyond barriers: Timor-Leste case study
This case study is part of the Humanitarian Advisory Group and World Vision Beyond Barriers research project on climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction integration, focusing on Australian Humanitarian Partnership programming in Timor-Leste.
Beyond barriers: reflection and learning forum workshop report
This report presents outcomes from a Learning Forum in November 2021 to further explore opportunities to advance the integration of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation in the Pacific.
'We don’t do a lot for them specifically': is COVID-19 cash assistance reaching people with diverse SOGIESC?
A scoping report on gaps and opportunities for improving diverse SOGIESC inclusion in cash transfer and social protection programs, during the COVID-19 crisis and beyond.
COVID-19 achievements: a synthesis of results from DFAT's global and regional civil society mechanisms
This report provides a synthesis of results of DFAT-funded regional and global civil society COVID-19 efforts and reporting against common indicators aligned with the Partnerships for Recovery strategy.
AHP Response to the Rohingya Humanitarian Crisis: Phase II Evaluation
An independent evaluation of Phase II of the AHP’s response to the Rohingya Humanitarian Crisis.
Beyond barriers: integrating disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation in the Pacific
A research report produced jointly by Humanitarian Advisory Group, Australian Humanitarian Partnership and World Vision Australia.
Disability Inclusion in Disaster Preparedness and Response: an evaluation of disability inclusion in the Disaster READY program in Fiji, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea and Timor-Leste
An independent evaluation of disability inclusion in disaster preparedness and response in the Disaster READY program, June 2021.
Australian Humanitarian Partnership (AHP) Mid-Term Evaluation and Management Response
This Mid-Term Evaluation was designed to provide evidence-based assessment of the progress of AHP and recommendations for future planning.
Fiji Gender, Disability and Inclusion Analysis: COVID-19, TC Yasa and TC Ana
A collective effort by Australian Humanitarian Partnership organisations in Fiji, this analysis highlights issues facing marginalised groups in the simultaneous crises of COVID-19, Tropical Cyclone Yasa and Tropical Cyclone Ana.
Thematic Guidance Note: Using Evidence to Inform and Monitor Disability-Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction
Disaster READY: Disability inclusion evaluation.
Thematic Guidance Note: Partnerships to Promote Disability-Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction
Disaster READY: Disability inclusion evaluation.
Thematic Guidance Note: Influencing Government-led Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction
Disaster READY: Disability inclusion evaluation.
Thematic Guidance Note: Strengthening Disability Inclusion in Community-based Disaster Preparedness
Disaster READY: Disability inclusion evaluation.
Disaster READY PNG: Qualitative Project Review
Disaster READY: This review was commissioned by CARE International in Papua New Guinea to support Disaster READY PNG evidence collection and planning.
Pacific Community-Led Localisation Summit February 2020: Summary Report
Disaster READY: Pacific Community-Led Localisation Summit Report, February 2020.
Disability Inclusion in Disaster READY: Early evaluation findings and recommendations to inform responses to COVID-19.
Early evaluation findings and recommendations to inform responses to COVID-19, August 2020
Solomon Islands Cash Transfer Feasibility Study
Disaster READY: Solomon Islands Cash Transfer Feasibility Study: April 2020
Dili Floods 2020: Report on Disability Inclusion following a Rapid Needs Assessment
Disability inclusion report and recommendations from the Timor-Leste national Disabled Persons Organisation, RHTO, following a rapid needs assessment of floods in Dili.
Building Peaceful Futures Program, Iraq - Mid-Term Evaluation
Read the findings and recommendations of a mid-term evaluation of the AHP’s multi-year humanitarian response in Iraq - the Building Peaceful Futures Program.