Through its commitment to localisation, AHP is working to progressively strengthen local communities and civil society organisations to lead on disaster risk reduction, humanitarian response, recovery, resilience and climate change adaptation.
Localisation means recognising, respecting and strengthening leadership and decision-making by national and local actors in humanitarian action, in order to better address the needs of affected populations.
The concept is enshrined in the Grand Bargain, an international agreement between the world’s largest donors and humanitarian agencies, including the Australian Government, to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of humanitarian action.
The Disaster READY program has a special focus on developing and strengthening local organisations and leadership for improved, locally-led disaster risk reduction and resilience programming.
Building on the partnerships and lessons of the first five years, the new phase of Disaster READY (2022-2027) has recommitted to deepening localisation. Planning has moved to a country-led process, the role of Disaster READY Country Committees (DRCCs) has been strengthened, and each participating country is adopting its own localisation strategy.
Additionally, in rapid and protracted humanitarian emergencies, AHP supports the development and implementation of contextualised localisation strategies for effective and timely response.
Through the AHP response in Bangladesh, the people of wards 3 and 4 in Raja Palong Union identified local disaster risks and have taken proactive steps to mitigate them with the support of AHP partners. By improving connecting roads and a drainage canal, flooding will be significantly reduced in the future, and accessibility has improved.
The Building Peaceful Futures project and Save the Children have formed community committees to encourage social cohesion and advise the restoration of infrastructure in Iraq. The project supports the safe, dignified return and reintegration of people displaced by the 2014 conflict in Sinjar.
In Solomon Islands, Disaster READY partner Oxfam produced a music video with talented Honiara reggae artist Jah Boy to share messages on community disaster preparedness.
Disaster READY: Pacific Community-Led Localisation Summit Report, February 2020.