Church Agencies Network Disaster Operations (CAN DO) brings together Caritas Australia, Act for Peace, Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA), Anglican Board of Mission, Anglican Overseas Aid, Australian Lutheran World Service, Global Mission Partners, Transform Aid International and Uniting World.
Caritas Australia is the lead consortium partner in the CAN DO network.
CAN DO collectively shares a deep commitment to providing humanitarian response to disasters, and longer-term preparedness and risk reduction. We work with Indigenous, grassroots organisations to overcome poverty and injustice through empowerment and capacity building of local people.
The combined networks of our Church partners are extensive, providing reach and access to many vulnerable and remote communities across the Pacific. They are often the first responders — able to provide food, water and shelter to those most in need.
Through AHP, CAN DO has received funds in response to numerous emergencies since 2018, most notably: Ambae Volcano Crisis Response Vanuatu 2018-2019 (protection, shelter, WASH, early recovery); Sulawesi Tsunami and Earthquake Response Indonesia 2018-2019 (WASH, shelter, non-food item distribution); Rohingya Crisis Response in Bangladesh 2020-2023 (protection, WASH, food security and livelihoods, early recovery); multiple COVID-19 response and recovery packages (Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Fiji, PNG, Timor-Leste, Samoa, Kiribati, Tuvalu, Indonesia, Laos, Tonga) 2020-2023; TC Harold Recovery Vanuatu 2021-2024 (Health, WASH, DRR); and the Hunga Tonga – Hunga Ha’apai response 2022-2024 (protection, livelihoods, WASH, early recovery).
Within the AHP Disaster READY program, CAN DO is implementing preparedness activities in Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Fiji, PNG and Timor-Leste.
Children learning about disaster risk management, Solomon Islands.
April 2013 ©Richard Wainwright
Above: CAN DO member logos
Through the AHP response in Bangladesh, people living with disabilities in host communities and Rohingya camps have been supported with assistive devices to improve their quality of life through partner Christian Aid and DSK.