Clean hands against COVID-19: handwashing stations and water tanks for PNG
Australian Humanitarian Partnership NGOs have been rolling out new water tanks and handwashing facilities in PNG to combat the spread of COVID-19.
Handwashing stations and hygiene kits protect against COVID-19 in Kiribati, and build skills
Handwashing stations and hygiene kits are not only helping families prepare for possible cases of COVID-19 in Kiribati: they are also helping young technical graduates build their skills.
Indigenous youth leaders educating the next generation in Bangladesh
Chakma people in Bangladesh have traditionally had limited access to formal education. But new early childhood and adolescent education centres supported by AHP partners are creating opportunities.
Temporary jobs closer to home for Vanuatu's grounded workers
For Vanuatu workers who had their plans to work in Australia and New Zealand disrupted by the pandemic, an AHP-supported Cash for Work program is providing other ways to earn and learn.
New skills, new businesses: training for returnees in Sinjar, Iraq
Vocational training through the Building Peaceful Futures AHP response in Iraq is supporting men and women of all ages to learn new skills to support themselves and their families.
From ashes to clinic in just two days: fires create new challenges in Cox’s Bazar
Australian Humanitarian Partnership agencies have been supporting those impacted by a series of fires in refugee camps in Bangladesh, but damage to their facilities has created new challenges.
Disaster READY farming for Timor-Leste’s long dry season
With the support of Disaster READY partners in Timor-Leste, farmers like Elda have learned techniques to weather the country’s long dry seasons to improve their food security and livelihood.
Unblocked Cash brings more than financial support for people with disabilities in Vanuatu
AHP partners in Vanuatu are delivering an Unblocked Cash program in response to TC Harold and COVID-19. Read here what this has meant for people with disabilities.
Working with PNG communities to be COVID-19 safe
The AHP COVID-19 response in PNG is being delivered across 17 provinces. More than 20,000 people were reached with COVID-19 information in East Sepik Province alone in 2020. Read more here.
Fiji Disabled Peoples Federation leads disability inclusion aspects of AHP's COVID-19 Fiji Response
The Fiji Disabled Peoples Federation is playing a key role in ensuring a more inclusive COVID-19 humanitarian response.
Public and private sector partners join forces on COVID-19 awareness in Madang
AHP partners have joined forces with public and private sector partners in Papua New Guinea to ensure greater reach of COVID-19 awareness campaigns.
Local leadership key to COVID-19 preparedness - Kiribati
Local community leaders are important partners in the AHP COVID-19 response across the Pacific. In Kiribati, AHP partners are working with religious leaders to establish handwashing stations and promote good hygiene.
Planning for drought, reducing workloads and increasing accessibility - Timor-Leste
Disaster READY: Three communities in Timor-Leste work together to install a water tank and in doing so, reduce the workload of women and increase accessibility for people with disabilities.
Putting preparedness into action - Papua New Guinea
Disaster READY: Coastal villagers in Tinputz District, Autonomous Region of Bougainville, actioned their disaster plan following a king tide.
New handwashing facilities boost COVID-19 prevention in Kiribati
Public handwashing facilities are improving community hygiene practices in Kiribati as they prepare for potential COVID-19 outbreaks.
Birds bring warning of Tropical Cyclone Harold - Solomon Islands
Disaster READY: In the Solomon Islands, Disaster READY partners are combining tradition and science to strengthen early warning systems. However, in one community it was the birds that provided them with first warning to prepare for Tropical Cyclone Harold.
TC Harold response benefits from preparedness efforts - Vanuatu
Disaster READY: The Sanma Provincial Government in Vanuatu reports that their response to Tropical Cyclone directly benefited through preparedness efforts support through Disaster READY.
Creating education opportunities for girls with disabilities - Myanmar
As a female and a person living with disabilities living in an IDP camp, Showat faces a number of challenges accessing an education in Myanmar. The AHP Education in Emergencies response is working to provide improve access to education.
Education in Emergencies - Myanmar
The Education in Emergencies Response in Myanmar is helping girls like Delnu continue their education.
Solomon Islands students ensure schools and communities are safe
Disaster READY: Save the Children and World Vision are implementing the ‘DRR Champions of Tomorrow’ project in eight schools across Malaita and Makira provinces in the Solomon Islands. Read how students are leading the way in ensuring their schools and their communities are safe and prepared.