Smarter farming supports young people in PNG
Farming training designed specifically for climate-impacted communities is helping young people in PNG with increased food security and income generation.
Cash and voucher assistance helping women in PNG
“It has really made it easier for someone like me to have a bank account,” Rita said. “It’s also the first time for me to receive cash.” Read how cash and voucher assistance through Disaster READY is transforming the lives of women with disabilities.
Climate change adaptation training prepares women in PNG
In Papua New Guinea, Disaster READY’s Climate Change Adaptation programs are increasing women’s economic empowerment, tackling food insecurity, and providing and income to support children’s education.
Improving water access and COVID-19 knowledge in remote PNG
PNG churches have been an integral part of the AHP COVID-19 response in Papua New Guinea, working alongside community leaders to share information and resources, and to improve water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) facilities.
Bringing a toilet and taps to a remote Bougainville school
Through the AHP COVID-19 response in Papua New Guinea, one remote Bougainville primary school now has a toilet and handwashing facilities on site, improving life for both students and teachers.
Changing minds on the COVID-19 vaccine in PNG, one leader at a time
In partnership with Provincial Health Authorities and AHP NGOs, community leaders in Papua New Guinea are being empowered with correct information on COVID-19 to become advocates for vaccination.
“With this money I, as a mother and grandmother, have the choice to buy what my family really needs”: How Disaster READY’s Cash and Voucher Assistance is helping to empower and prepare communities
Through pilots of cash and voucher support in Papua New Guinea, Disaster READY partners are improving financial literacy while supporting resilience.
Clear information important when encouraging COVID-19 vaccine uptake in PNG
With COVID-19 vaccine mis-information reaching some of the remotest communities in PNG at a rapid pace, AHP partners are working hard to support greater vaccine uptake by building trust and sharing facts.
Seeding resilience against uncertainty in PNG’s South Fly
In Papua New Guinea’s Western Province, COVID-19 outbreaks have impacted the ability of rural communities to travel to town. Through the AHP COVID-19 response, new agricultural methods are supporting food security and resilience in hard-to-reach communities.
Women take the lead on COVID-19 communications in PNG and the Autonomous Region of Bougainville
The Meri Gat Pawa, Meri Gat Infomesen (Women have Power, Women have Information) partnership is one aspect of the AHP COVID-19 response in PNG and the Autonomous Region of Bougainville. Read how these women are working with Digicel to get COVID-19 information out to as many people as possible.
Fighting fake news on vaccines in Papua New Guinea
COVID-19 vaccine resistance in Papua New Guinea is strong, with social media playing a role. AHP partners are tacking mis-information and fake news on a number of levels, including a digital campaign on Facebook.
Patience and time needed to combat vaccine hesitancy in Papua New Guinea
Australian Humanitarian Partnership (AHP) NGOs have been supporting the COVID-19 response in Papua New Guinea (PNG) since the pandemic was declared in 2020, but are now focusing on supporting the vaccine roll-out and combatting mis-information. This field story looks at the work being undertaken by CAN DO and ABC International Development.
Ready in Rigo as PNG communities strengthen their disaster preparedness
Through Disaster READY, communities in Papua New Guinea’s Central Province have been supported by ChildFund PNG to come up with their own action plans to improve their disaster preparedness. For Molegolo village, a new water catchment will boost resilience to drought.
Community responses to climate change on Madang’s North Coast Road
Communities in Malmal and Riwo in Madang, Papua New Guinea, are seeing the impacts of climate change and coastal erosion in their communities first hand. Here they share their perspectives, and the work they have engaged with under the Disaster READY program.
Mapping risks to support Disaster READY schools in Madang, PNG
Ten schools and surrounding communities in Madang have prepared hazard maps for disaster preparedness, with the support of the Disaster READY program.
Planning and learning for stronger emergency responses in PNG
Disaster READY partner NGO Childfund PNG, in consortium with Plan Australia, has been supporting local-level governments in Papua New Guinea’s Central Province to better prepare for disasters through planning and training.
Clean hands against COVID-19: handwashing stations and water tanks for PNG
Australian Humanitarian Partnership NGOs have been rolling out new water tanks and handwashing facilities in PNG to combat the spread of COVID-19.
Working with PNG communities to be COVID-19 safe
The AHP COVID-19 response in PNG is being delivered across 17 provinces. More than 20,000 people were reached with COVID-19 information in East Sepik Province alone in 2020. Read more here.
Public and private sector partners join forces on COVID-19 awareness in Madang
AHP partners have joined forces with public and private sector partners in Papua New Guinea to ensure greater reach of COVID-19 awareness campaigns.
Putting preparedness into action - Papua New Guinea
Disaster READY: Coastal villagers in Tinputz District, Autonomous Region of Bougainville, actioned their disaster plan following a king tide.