Youth lead community-based COVID-19 response in Kiribati
ChildFund Kiribati, with support from Plan International Australia and ChildFund New Zealand, will reach more than 12,000 i-Kiribati living in Betio and beyond to help them prepare for a possible COVID-19 outbreak.
Reaching the most vulnerable - Tropical Cyclone Harold, Vanuatu
When Tropical Cyclone (TC) Harold hit Vanuatu in April 2020, the Australian Humanitarian Partnership’s Disaster READY partners quickly mobilised to deliver a joint humanitarian response. AHP partners are supporting the Government of Vanuatu and other national partners to reach the most vulnerable and support them to recover and rebuild.
Increasing community awareness on COVID-19 prevention in Timor-Leste
Disaster READY: World Vision is supporting remote communities in Timor-Leste to become COVID-19 aware.
Inclusive education for Rohingya children - Bangladesh
Inclusive education programs aim to ensure no Rohingya children are left behind.
PNG church partners respond to COVID-19
Disaster READY: PNG churches are supporting COVID-19 response efforts in Papua New Guinea.
People with disabilities share inclusion 'tips and tricks'
Disaster READY: Disability inclusion training is best led by people with disabilities and Disaster READY Solomon Islands partners are ensuring they learn directly from the experts.
Timor-Leste communities lead the way in disaster risk reduction
Disaster READY: Prepared communities are safe communities. Read how one woman is supporting her Village Disaster Committee in Timor-Leste.
Pacific Humanitarian Makerspace begins production of locally-made disaster resilience and accessibility items
With the support of Disaster READY, Field Ready has opened the Pacific region’s first humanitarian makerspace in Suva in 2019.
Civil society integral to Fiji’s COVID-19 response
Disaster READY: In just two years the Fiji Council of Social Services has transformed from an organisation the government found difficult to work with, to an organisation the government actively turns to for support in times of disaster. Read how this change came about, and the role of our Disaster READY program in supporting a stronger Fijian civil society.
Women lead Vanuatu’s COVID-19 community response
Women leaders in Vanuatu mobilised within 24 hours to support government COVID-19 outreach efforts in their communities.
Fijian communities get Disaster READY with Cash and Voucher Assistance pilots
Disaster READY Fiji ran cash and voucher assistance trials in three Fijian communities. Community feedback will inform how cash and voucher assistance can be provided as part of future disaster response efforts in the country.
We can better protect the vulnerable when we include them - Bangladesh
AHP partners supporting the Rohingya Response in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh have worked on building both organisational and staff capacity as well as community awareness to better identify, work with and include people with disasilities in the response efforts.
Community Chief Donates Land to Community Disaster and Climate Change Committee - Vanuatu
Disaster READY: A local chief donates land to a Community Disaster and Climate Change Committee in Vanuatu.
Disability awareness raised in Timor-Leste disaster reporting
Disaster READY Timor-Leste partners Oxfam Timor-Leste and ABC International Development delivered Inclusive Disaster Reporting training in Timor-Leste in a attempt to build awareness of disability awareness in media reporting in times of disaster.
Vital support for young mothers in Cox's Bazar - Bangladesh
The provision of adolescent sexual reproductive health services is an important component of the AHP Rohingya Response in Bangladesh.
Reaching out on sexual reproductive health - Bangladesh
AHP partners are playing a critical role in the delivery of sexual and reproductive health services to Rohingya families in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. CARE is supporting two static Government of Bangladesh health clinics in two camps, and delivering extensive outreach services across three. A young Rohingya woman shares her experience of the services received.
The changing tide of disaster preparedness - Vanuatu
Disaster READY: World Vision, with support from the Australian Government through the Australian Humanitarian Partnership Disaster Ready program, has been working with Local Area Councils and Provincial Emergency Operations Centres in Vanuatu to strengthen disaster preparedness and improve the capacity of these actors to respond to disasters in villages like Ukoro.
Education after Islamic State - Iraq
The Building Peaceful Futures program is taking an inclusive approach by addressing barriers to learning for girls and children with disabilities so all children get the chance reclaim their future.
Voices for the Future - Iraq
The Building Peaceful Futures program is a consortium of leading NGOs working in Sinjar and Hawija — areas hit hardest by IS — to help families transition home and rebuild their lives. The program supports women and girls like Nadia who were targeted and terrorised by IS. Gradually they are able to emerge from their deeply traumatic experience and lead the recovery process.
Cyclone simulation demonstrates community preparedness in the Solomon Islands
Disaster READY: Disaster simulations increase community preparedness through raised awareness of where to go, when to go and what to take in the event of an evacuation. They also raise awareness of the role of the disaster committees, and ensuring that everyone in the community is accounted for a supported. Oxfam Solomon Islands shared this update on a cyclone simulation in Anololo Village.