For all women and girls
This International Women’s Day we’re spotlighting a woman striving to support other women in her work in the Rohingya camps in Cox’s Bazaar, Bangladesh.
From fragile to thriving: saving Rokshana’s baby twins
Rokshana's baby twins were struggling to thrive, and their survival was uncertain. Pushing through cultural and social barriers to seek care at a hospital supported by the Australian Government and Save the Children, a mother's determination and access to healthcare has changed the twins' fate.
A new life, and new hope, at expanded health centre
With the health post in her refugee camp having closed down due to a lack of funds, Nasima started labour with her third child worried about where she could go. Newly expanded health services, supported by AHP and Save the Children, meant she could give birth in safety.
Improved knowledge on infant nutrition a turning point for Asli
Breastfeeding corners at health clinics and courses on child and infant nutrition are empowering mothers like Asli to enhance their children's health, despite the ongoing impacts of drought in Ethiopia.
A helping hand: Abuu’s story of resilience
Families impacted by drought in Ethiopia are receiving multi-purpose cash grants as part of an integrated livelihood response from Save the Children, supported by the Australian Humanitarian Partnership.
Cash and voucher assistance helping women in PNG
“It has really made it easier for someone like me to have a bank account,” Rita said. “It’s also the first time for me to receive cash.” Read how cash and voucher assistance through Disaster READY is transforming the lives of women with disabilities.
“No child’s pain should go unnoticed” — helping Omar play again
When Omar broke his arm playing sport, his mother, struggling to make ends meet in a Rohingya camp in Bangladesh, didn’t notice the severity of the injury. A child protection worker supported by AHP helped them get medical care.
Schools in Tonga take on fresh lessons in preparedness after volcano and tsunami
With support from the Australian Government through AHP, Save the Children is working with the Tongan Ministry of Education and Training to ensure schools, students and communities are better prepared to respond to disasters.
Building back from TC Lola in Vanuatu
Tropical Cyclone Lola left a trail of destruction when it hit Vanuatu in October 2023. AHP partners are supporting communities to recover and rebuild.
Recovering from double disaster in Vanuatu
Communities are continuing to rebuild from the twin tropical cyclones that struck Vanuatu in February and March 2023, with support from Australian Humanitarian Partnership NGOs.
School, social life, and sound: cochlear implants change a family’s fortunes after Türkiye earthquake
Broken cochlear implants meant 11-year-old Cihan was missing out on school and socialising, all while displaced after an earthquake. Now he and his siblings have a brighter outlook after receiving support through the AHP response.
After the earthquake, new chances for Nur
For the family of four-year-old Nur, who has cerebral palsy, the Türkiye earthquake added an extra layer of challenge. But with the support of local NGO Sened, through the AHP response, Nur is accessing physiotherapy and other services to support her development.
Preparing for the worst to keep Tonga’s schools safe
The ongoing AHP response to the 2022 Hunga Tonga – Hunga Ha’apai volcanic eruption and tsunami is supporting disaster preparedness initiatives, including in schools. A new video series will show students across five islands what to do if a disaster strikes.
Mapping out a safer future
How do you engage young people so they can better understand disaster risks and the need for preparedness? Through a new Disaster READY initiative, children in Solomon Islands are learning to properly assess their own safety in their everyday surroundings.
Overcoming earthquake trauma through games and the arts in Türkiye
For 13-year-old Sara, access to an AHP-supported Child Friendly Space is helping her to cope with disruption and trauma after Türkiye’s devastating earthquake.
Specialised, accessible rehabilitation support for Rohingya in Cox’s Bazar
After suffering a stroke in 2021, Rohingya refugee Hassan was left unable to walk or stand, and without access to rehabilitation services. Through a partnership between Save the Children and Humanity & Inclusion, Hassan and other Rohingya people with disabilities now have access to specialised services at their local health post.
From drop-out to disability influencer: Khaled's newfound confidence from a second chance at school
15-year-old Khaled has had a second chance at education through the AHP response in Jordan. Now he hopes to inspire other children with disabilities through his social media content.
Building teacher confidence and parent involvement in Myanmar learning centres
Volunteer teachers at temporary learning centres in Myanmar’s IDP camps have been empowered to improve their skills inside and outside the classroom through training and resources delivered by Save the Children.
Bringing a toilet and taps to a remote Bougainville school
Through the AHP COVID-19 response in Papua New Guinea, one remote Bougainville primary school now has a toilet and handwashing facilities on site, improving life for both students and teachers.
For 15-year-old Hussein, an opportunity to finally attend school
Hussein’s family fled the war in Syria when he was a young child, arriving in Jordan in search of safety. Through classes supported by AHP, he finally has the chance to learn to read and write.