Smarter farming supports young people in PNG
Farming training designed specifically for climate-impacted communities is helping young people in PNG with increased food security and income generation.
A new-found hope for Margarida and her community
Before Disaster READY partners built a water tank close to her village, Margarida and others from her community would walk two hours each day to collect water.
Restoring dignity and livelihoods to war-affected farmers in Tigray
Through food security support, AHP partners have assisted men and women farmers in Ethiopia who lost homes and agricultural assets in the Tigray conflict to re-establish their livelihoods.
Amplifying women’s voices
With support from the Disaster READY program, Anita can now train others on how to identify risks caused by climate change.
Cushioning the economic impacts of COVID-19 in Fiji
In Fiji, the Ketesa community primarily earned their incomes through selling woodcarvings to hotels and local retail outlets. But the pandemic closed the doors on international tourism. Through partner CAN DO, AHP has supported new ways forward for the community.
Managing hilly land for climate resilient food in Timor-Leste
Through the AHP Disaster READY program, Plan International Timor-Leste is supporting training for farmers in terracing, an agricultural technique of shaping sloping land to control erosion.
Scaling up farming skills for students with disability in Solomon Islands
Students at San Isidro Care Centre in Northwest Guadalcanal are learning new livelihoods and food security skills through the AHP COVID-19 response in Solomon Islands.
Disaster READY farming for Timor-Leste’s long dry season
With the support of Disaster READY partners in Timor-Leste, farmers like Elda have learned techniques to weather the country’s long dry seasons to improve their food security and livelihood.
Learning climate-resilient agriculture techniques
World Vision received funds for this Solomon Islands disaster preparedness and early recovery/livelihhods program through the Humanitarian Partnership Agreement - the predecessor to the AHP.