Disaster READY Annual Report 2023-24

The Disaster READY program has made progress towards its overarching goal of better preparing women, youth, children, people with disability and other at-risk groups for disasters and climate change. Year 1 of Disaster READY Phase 2 was characterised with a modest rate of implementation by partners as they balanced undertaking the redesign process, finalising their Phase 1 projects, and beginning foundational activities and early implementation of their projects.

The Year 2 (July 2023 to June 2024) annual project reports indicated that implementation of project workplans has significantly improved. This has led to greater results against the program’s intermediate outcomes, particularly to improved levels of community preparedness in target areas. From July 2023 to June 2024, the Disaster READY countries have faced several disaster events. Despite multiple tropical cyclones, floods, landslides and volcanic eruptions, the ANGOs and their local implementing partners have completed a substantial number of project activities.

This report covers Disaster READY program activities between July 2023 and June 2024.

>> Download the report


AHP Humanitarian Response Update 2023-24