Disaster READY PNG
In Papua New Guinea (PNG), Disaster READY NGOs include CARE Australia, Save the Children Australia and Caritas Australia/CAN DO.
Disaster risk in PNG
Climate change poses a huge threat to communities in PNG, with over 85% of the population living in rural areas and relying heavily on subsistence agriculture. PNG is prone to a range of natural disasters including earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, cyclones, river flooding, coastal erosion, landslides, droughts, and frost. With a mountainous, rugged terrain straddling the Ring of Fire, PNG is a region where many volcanic eruptions and earthquakes occur, PNG also has the highest percentage of population exposed to severe volcanic risk.
PNG’s culturally diverse population of almost 9.3 million people are routinely exposed to landslides, heavy rains and storms that impact on livelihoods and damage road infrastructure. The 2021 World Risk Index ranked PNG as the 9th most at-risk country in the world.
PNG program overview
At the community level, Disaster READY focuses on inclusive community-based disaster risk management to ensure that women, people with disabilities and children are involved at all levels of decision making. Activities include supporting schools to manage hazards by building awareness of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation, strengthening existing child and youth psychosocial support services and supporting community leaders to develop and test school disaster preparedness plans. Locally-led early warning systems have been established, inclusive disaster management training and planning implemented, and church assets mapped for use as evacuations centres.
In the first five years of Disaster READY in PNG, partners have been strengthening sub-national and national coordination and communication mechanisms and approaches to inclusive humanitarian action. This includes strengthening disaster preparedness and response capabilities in the Eastern Highlands Provincial Government and the Autonomous Bougainville Government through the development of provincial disaster management plans, gender training and simulations.
Disaster READY PNG Phase II achievements
As of January 2024.
people reached
women and girls
living with disabilities
5 communities implementing activities from their Disaster Risk Reduction or Climate Change Adaptation action plans.
8 local civil society actors that participate in institutional capacity strengthening activities.
Through the AHP COVID-19 response in Papua New Guinea, one remote Bougainville primary school now has a toilet and handwashing facilities on site, improving life for both students and teachers.