Towards Adaptive Social Protection in Vanuatu: Lessons from a humanitarian cash transfer program in Sanma Province
This evaluation shows AHP-supported Unblocked Cash was an effective tool to help vulnerable households in Vanuatu accelerate their recovery from both the physical and economic impacts of TC Harold and the COVID-19 pandemic.
'We don’t do a lot for them specifically': is COVID-19 cash assistance reaching people with diverse SOGIESC?
A scoping report on gaps and opportunities for improving diverse SOGIESC inclusion in cash transfer and social protection programs, during the COVID-19 crisis and beyond.
Disaster READY: Oxfam - Vanuatu Cash Transfer Feasibility Assessment
Cash transfers are now widely recognised as being a cost-effective and efficient form of disaster assistance. Access to cash in the wake of a disaster empowers people to make their own choices in regards to immediate needs and it revitalises and strengthens local markets, supporting longer term recovery.
Despite the Pacific’s exposure to numerous and frequent disasters, cash assistance has not been common.
Disaster READY: Introductory research on the Feasibility of Cash and Voucher Assistance in Rural iTaukei Villages in Fiji
Disaster READY: In 2018, Save the Children Australia led a study into the general feasibility of using cash and voucher Assistance in responding to disasters in Fiji. Funding for the study was provided by the Australian Government via the AHP.