TC Harold response benefits from preparedness efforts - Vanuatu
Disaster READY: The Sanma Provincial Government in Vanuatu reports that their response to Tropical Cyclone directly benefited through preparedness efforts support through Disaster READY.
Reaching the most vulnerable - Tropical Cyclone Harold, Vanuatu
When Tropical Cyclone (TC) Harold hit Vanuatu in April 2020, the Australian Humanitarian Partnership’s Disaster READY partners quickly mobilised to deliver a joint humanitarian response. AHP partners are supporting the Government of Vanuatu and other national partners to reach the most vulnerable and support them to recover and rebuild.
Women lead Vanuatu’s COVID-19 community response
Women leaders in Vanuatu mobilised within 24 hours to support government COVID-19 outreach efforts in their communities.
Community Chief Donates Land to Community Disaster and Climate Change Committee - Vanuatu
Disaster READY: A local chief donates land to a Community Disaster and Climate Change Committee in Vanuatu.
The changing tide of disaster preparedness - Vanuatu
Disaster READY: World Vision, with support from the Australian Government through the Australian Humanitarian Partnership Disaster Ready program, has been working with Local Area Councils and Provincial Emergency Operations Centres in Vanuatu to strengthen disaster preparedness and improve the capacity of these actors to respond to disasters in villages like Ukoro.
Water for All - Vanuatu
Access to clean water was a challenge for Ambae residents evacuated to Santo in 2018 as a result of ongoing volcanic activity.
Disaster READY Vanuatu building preparedness in the midst of disasters
Disaster READY: The experience of the Ambae volcano response in Vanuatu, as well as a tsunami alert and a tropical cyclone in the past year, showcases how disaster preparedness requires active management and adaption – before, during and after a disaster.
Disaster READY: Our community is stronger when we include everyone - Vanuatu
Disaster READY Vanuatu spent 2018, the program’s foundation year, forming and cementing partnerships across the nation. Read about their progress here, including how a multi-stakeholder tsunami drill was soon put into action.
Cash for Work program helps Ambae evacuees support themselves - Vanuatu
“We are lucky to have running water, but we also need soap to keep us clean and healthy. We have not been able to afford that. During Save the Children’s Cash for Work program, we worked together with our host households to establish communal gardens next to our settlement site.”
Ambae volcano - Vanuatu
In 2017, Save the Children in partnership with CARE received $400,000 through the AHP to assist in responding to the Ambae volcano crisis.
Ambae Volcano Crisis - Vanuatu
In 2017, Caritas Australia received $350,000 through the AHP to assist in responding to the Ambae volcano crisis.