Guiding light: empowering communities through disaster preparedness and development

By Glen Pakoa, Communications Coordinator, Oxfam in Vanuatu

Community Disaster & Climate Change Committee Chairman of Britano, Jesse, during a Community-based Disaster Risk Reduction workshop hosted by Oxfam in Port Vila, November 2023. IMAGE: Glen Pakoa/Oxfam in Vanuatu

Jesse Frederick is deeply rooted in his peri-urban community, nestled within the Tanvasoko Area Council of Efate. His life story is connected with the struggles and aspirations of his community, reflecting resilience in the face of adversity.

"Our community lacks basic services… like running water, electricity, and good roads," Jesse emphasized. "Living here requires a strong mindset; it's a daily challenge."

Raised amidst these challenges, Jesse's path diverged when financial constraints forced him to abandon his secondary education. Like many others, he struggled with the reality of limited opportunities. But, Jesse continued working towards a brighter future for both his family and community.

Jesse, with his son, giving feedback and making remarks at the end of a successful community cyclone simulation in his community, as part of the Australian Humanitarian Partnership’s Disaster READY program. IMAGE: Glen Pakoa/Oxfam in Vanuatu

The absence of formal education, however, led him down a dangerous path. Jesse found comfort in the company of young men, but their pursuits offered little fulfillment. Alcohol, smoking, and occasional fights became his regrettable routine. Deep down, Jesse knew this wasn't the life he wanted, nor the example he wished to set.

The turning point arrived in 2015 following the wrath of Tropical Cyclone Pam. Witnessing the devastation, Jesse felt a stirring within him – a call to action. Volunteering with the National Disaster Management Office (NDMO), he embarked on a mission to aid communities ravaged by the catastrophic cyclone.

"My involvement with NDMO fuelled my passion to serve my community," Jesse recalled. "But witnessing the neglect of Britano amidst relief efforts ignited a fire within me to initiate change."

His tenure with NDMO enhanced invaluable skills in disaster management and community assessment. Armed with newfound expertise, Jesse's journey led him to organizations like Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) and eventually to Oxfam, where he found a platform to effect meaningful change.

Determined to strengthen disaster preparedness and response in Britano, Jesse envisioned a dedicated committee. His aspirations materialized in 2022 with the formation of the Britano Community Disaster & Climate Change Committee (CDCCC) via the Australian Humanitarian Partnership’s Disaster READY Program.

Under Jesse's stewardship, the CDCCC became a stronghold of resilience, fostering partnerships and empowering community members. Oxfam's support strengthened their capacity, equipping them with vital knowledge and resources to confront the challenges posed by climate change and natural disasters.

Jesse supervising his team of CDCCCs and leading the cyclone simulation in Britano which was attended by CDCCC chair leads of other CDCCCs of Efate. Over 200 people, including kids, elderlies and people with disabilities attended the event. IMAGE: Glen Pakoa/Oxfam in Vanuatu

Empowered by Oxfam's trainings, Jesse's CDCCC embarked on initiatives ranging from community profiling to disaster simulations. Their efforts bore fruit in 2023 when twin cyclones wreaked havoc. Unlike past disasters, Britano and Tamalasi were prepared, thanks to the CDCCC's proactive measures.

Yet, Jesse's vision extended beyond immediate relief. Recognizing the need for infrastructural improvements, he lobbied tirelessly for better roads and access to essential services. Through strategic negotiations with government bodies and international agencies such as the New Zealand High Commission in Vanuatu, Jesse secured support for solar streetlights and road repairs, signalling a new era of development for Britano.

Amidst his endeavours, Jesse's leadership qualities earned him recognition as the spokesperson of the Britano Council. His ambitious plans for community development, including upgraded facilities and educational initiatives, reflected his unwavering commitment to empowering Britano's residents.

Jesse's impact extended beyond Britano's borders. Collaborating with neighbouring communities, he facilitated the establishment of four new CDCCCs with Oxfam, extending the reach of resilience across Efate Island.

Reflecting on his journey, Jesse remained firm in his commitment to realizing Britano's potential. With unwavering determination and the support of organisations like Oxfam, he envisioned a future where Britano thrived – a future defined by resilience, prosperity, and empowered leadership.

"The road is long, but we will get there," Jesse affirmed. "Together, with the support of our partners and the dedication of our community, we will build a future where Britano shines as a beacon of resilience and progress."


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